Mar 26, 2008

my school days of taking photo's

love my friends to bitz..

couldnt live without them..

yess we were doing work we just needed a break but claudia wouldnt look at the camera so we only got half of her head <<<..beth decided to go to sleep on my shoulder..nathen wanted to be in the picture so he is in the background..kaitlyn is known for pulling silly faces...joe is just joe.. and im to cool for school..




Unknown said...

Okay so it isn't relevant to the post but HAPPY BIRTHDAY BELLA!!! Just got the happy news that you are coming over tomorrow :-)

Also blogged your birthday :-)

Luv ya gorgeous mwah

Unknown said...

what a cool pic, i bet u will look back on it in 10 years time and giggle xo

Chelsea + Shiloh said...

Love the look on your face in this one...x