Aug 20, 2007

todays life~ monday- 20/08/07

today was a really sort of mixed day.. it started of good and got worse.. well by recess i had finished all my work in math and my teacher actually for the first time in my life said that i didn't have any i was pretty happy coz in next period in English all we did was watch movie's and talked to the people around us and knowing me it had to be Claudia, Lauren, Maddy, honey, Jess and Chrissy my 6 bf fl( best Friends for life)..then we had geography and in that was when my day turned bad.. well we had miss Brooke and she didn't like me and jay sitting next to each other coz we talk allot so i got in a lot of trouble and got put in room 8 detention and then we finally got out to lunch and i had to buy my tickets for the disco and there were so Manny people i could hardly walk anywhere! but i got it done and its good coz tomorrow i am going to my first high school disco but we have to be breathalysed which doesn't matter me at all!...after lunch we had pd/h/PE and that was so boring i just had to be irritating and yer i got in trouble for that to.. finally we had our last period Science!!!!! well in science we had a fill in teacher and me, Jess, Chrissy, Kaitlyn, and Charmain got sent out side in the first 10 minutes then Mr Holt came!! well he took me Charmain and Kaitlyn up to the science staff room and we couldn't do anything for 40Min's.. and that was really boring so we went through a friends of mine's bag coz she let us and we got paper and we were making paper aeroplanes and they were everywhere..he he.. finally the bell went and we got to go but now i have gone from bronze to level 1 oops..he he oh well i hope tomorrow is going to be better!bye xxx gabie xxx


Unknown said...

good lord kiddo, you have me exhausted just reading about ur day! You have 6 bffl, how lucky is that? you must be a great friend :) Ahhh, detention, I use to get heaps of them, boring ain't they?

*~dani~* said...

o honey :) do u know why u all hav 2 breathalised? because MY grade in high school had sum, shall we say, under-age drinkers hehe they banned school disco's for the rest of our time in high school, then when my grade has left, introduced the breathaliser -

sorry about that beautiful :)

i miss u lots and lots little one and will b seeing u much sooner rather then later :P hehe ill b there to give u a big phat hug soon and catch up on all the goss b4 u know it!!

love you long time!!
