these Fraze caught my eye as i was going through my pictures!
and then i thought about it and realised; it is so true!
most people that like a good gossip will believe anything if you whisper it..
i mean look at the average teens these days.. for instance girls going around with so much makeup, walking around with there phones to there ears and talking to there girlfriends gossiping about things that other people said: ( for example) "Johnny said that Karlie is a tramp and that she got drunk at some random party" i mean y would you believe rubbish people say...
and guys: waling with there mates saying" dam that Chick has big boobs" i mean com on and " man i heard that Fred got with a Chick at some party " it really amazes me why people do it.
bullying, harassment, fights and GOSSIP!
the other week our school had a massive meeting on fighting, gossip, bulling and harassment..
talking about how bullying and harassment has accord quite allot these past terms and that girls are getting really bitchy and guys are getting into to Manny fights: there has been about 4 fights this year with yr 7 boys and its pathetic!
and year 7 girls are the worst!!!! we bitch and bitch and it never stops! i mean com on:
most my friends are getting in fights and I'm always in the middle of them! :S its pathetic:(
Gossiping is a really easy habit to fall into and can become really nasty really quickly!
I figured out a while ago that while I couldn't stop people telling me stuff, I could choose not to pass it on. And once I was told something I would ask the other person "you are telling me this why?" I called it my 'one way sieve' principal.
Gossip hurts :-/
wow, you write a lot...giggles..u told rob that once! its great to see that your mum has raised you to have an open heart and a mature attitude about this kinda stuff. i sometimes wonder about us teaching kids to not bully when obviously prime ministers and presidents do it on a grand scale :(
Mmmm...don't even try to work out boys and fighting...I tried to get Mac to explain it...and i become more confused then ever...but Aunti MG is don't have to pass it on...and I know its tempting to, or to just tell one person...but thats how the ball starts rolling...
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